Working with an Aerial Platform

There are 3 categories that can be examined;

Working with a static boom elevation work platform cat. 1B
Under static aerial work platform fall : ‘telescopic and articulated telescopic aerial work platforms’ fitted with outriggers (hydraulically operated), trailer mounted aerial work platforms, aerial work platform on chassis, spider aerial work platforms with outriggers; Category 1B (in accordance with European standard EN 280).

Working with a mobile vertical elevation work platform cat. 3A
Under vertical mobile aerial work platform fall: ‘self-propelled scissor lifts’ and ‘self-propelled single vertical lifts’ (in accordance with European standard EN 280).

Working with a mobile boom elevation work platform cat. 3b
Under mobile aerial platform fall: ‘self-propelled telescope’ and ‘articulated aerial work platforms’; Category 3B (in accordance with European standard EN 280).

For the Aerial platform exam, the candidate must meet the following entry requirements

  • Candidate must be at least 18 years old
  • B-VCA / VOL-VCA / VIL-VCU diploma or equivalent diploma.

The exam consists of a theoretical part and a practical part.

The candidate receives a diploma when he has passed for both components. The Aerial work platform diploma under the SSVV Training Guide is valid for 5 years.

View the latest version of the Implementation Regulations, the Specification Sheet and the Test Matrix of the 3 categories.